ایران نوین

Friday, May 16, 2008

اعتراض به سناتور هیلاری کلینتون

چندی پیش سناتور هیلاری کلینتون در گفتاری غیر مسئولانه و احمدی نژادی

ایران را تهدید به نابودی کرد و در مصاحبه ای دیگر بر این نظر پا فشرد.

لطفا برای محکومیت گفتار خانم کلینتون ، دادخواست زیر را امضا کنید .


Two weeks after Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton made her reprehensible remake regarding the obliteration of Iran, she uttered the pugnacious words again and said she had no regrets about her comments and refused to withdraw her statement:

"Why would I have any regrets? I'm asked a question about what I would do if Iran attacked our ally, a country that many of us have a great deal of connection with and feeling for, for all kinds of reasons. And, yes, we would have massive retaliation against Iran,"

As a human being I am offended by the Honorable Senator from New York repeated offensive pronouncement. Whoever that uses such inhumane and pugnacious language be it Clinton for Jewish votes or Ahmadinejad for Arab support needs to be condemned in the strongest possible of terms.

Please join me in condemning Senator Hillary Clinton's comments by signing the online petition. With such grass root activism which are the fundamentals of any democracy we can succeed and persuade the Senator to retract her reprehensible statement.

Just click on the following URL:


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